Why Aluminum Is So Effective in Construction Industry?

Why Aluminum Is So Effective in Construction Industry?

When it comes to modern building construction, aluminum is the metal of choice.
At the beginning of the 80s, Aluminum was a difficult material to refine. It was so expensive that one kilo reached 1200$. It wasn’t until 1880 that methods capable of mass-producing the material were developed. In a few short years, effective aluminum went from being the most expensive metal on Earth to one of the cheapest. Since then, Aluminum has set a strong foot in the building industry.
For almost two hundred years, aluminum alloys have been an essential component of construction. A prominent example of an aluminum-intensive structure is most famously the Empire State Building. Today, aluminum is widely acknowledged to be one of the most efficient and useful construction materials available on the market.

When it comes to modern building construction, aluminum is the metal of choice. Here’s why:


One of aluminum’s most important advantages is its high strength-to-weight ratio. What does this technical phrase mean? Simply put, aluminum alloy has a small density and a high strength.
In construction, this characteristic of Aluminum alloys is extremely important for their ability to support heavy spans of glass, an important consideration in many modern buildings and skyscrapers. The use of so much glass allows for more sunlight, which lowers lighting costs and also saves on heating and cooling.


According to construction experts, aluminum windows frames are completely airtight. This makes it impossible for dust, air, and even water to penetrate a building’s exterior. Property owners who rely on air conditioning systems for a comfortable indoor environment have found this very helpful. A large percentage of air leaks occur because of natural cracks in window frames, which can lead to increased heating and cooling loads in buildings. Aluminum does not suffer the same deterioration and does not corrode like steel and wood.




Aluminum is known for its both rust and corrosion resistance. Anodized aluminum is incredibly long-lasting, an important consideration for the construction industry in terms of efficiency.
Aluminum also isn’t susceptible to weathering conditions and can withstand both humid and dry climates extremely well. It does not become brittle in low temperatures or high temperatures. When exposed to low temperatures, aluminum becomes stronger in strength. And because of increased strength in colder climates, property owners worry less about structural failure. More so, only low maintenance is required. Additionally, Aluminum’s reflectivity is very high. The metal, as a result, does not absorb as much radiant heat like other metals. So, during summer days, you can expect your building to retain interior cooling for residents, guests, and customers alike and you can relax knowing that your building’s structure will last for a very long time.


In addition to their technical and practical functionalities, effective aluminum alloys are also highly prized for their appearance. Because of aluminum’s receptiveness to polishing, it can be given smooth and bright finishing that is aesthetically pleasing to the eye. Creating smooth and bright surfaces isn’t only its best characteristic. By dipping aluminum in a warm bath of coloring agents after the anodizing process, it can take on any color, making it the favorite metal for designers to work with.
Aluminum was in fact, one of the earliest materials used in the building process in the construction industry for decorative purposes.


Because effective aluminum is versatile and lightweight, working with it is much easier than working with most other materials. Construction costs can be significantly reduced due to this fact. Due to their versatility, aluminum alloys can be welded, cast, forged, extruded, or rolled. Therefore, they can be used in almost every part of a building, from its structural elements to its decorative components.
Another added benefit is that because of its lightweight, it’s easier to transport, an important cost factor during the construction process.


A building made of aluminum can reflect heat and reduce cooling costs thanks to its high reflectivity. As mentioned earlier, aluminum is strong enough to support large glass panels as well, which is another way of regulating the temperature of an entire building. Reducing the amount of heating and cooling, significantly lowers the overall carbon footprint of a building over its lifetime. Another advantage of aluminum is that it’s almost 100% recyclable and doesn’t lose any of its properties during the recycling process. By recycling aluminum and using it again, the energy consumption is reduced by 90% compared with having to produce new aluminum if it wasn’t a recyclable metal. And because of its form-adaptability, aluminum is often used to refurbish older buildings, making them more energy-efficient and longer-lasting.
Aluminum does not have any sort of added taste or smell to it, which makes it a first choice in being used in the pharmaceutical and food packaging industry.


Modern architecture and construction would not be possible without effective aluminum. The beautiful and awe-inspiring skylines found around the world are a testament to the versatility and strength of Aluminum.

Not only can aluminum be relied on for its characteristics, functionality, and cost-effectiveness, but also for a greater variety of environmental standards and aesthetic considerations during the design process.

For all these reasons, aluminum will continue growing in popularity as a building material in the future.

Aluminum offers durability and ease of use to meet all of the construction needs and requirements. No matter what is the scale and sector of construction, MAS Aluminum adheres to its philosophy of “the best quality for a professional job”, and takes pride in being a technical resource partner to its customers all over Nigeria.

Contact us today to speak with a member of our knowledgeable staff for a consultation.

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